The school year is moving right along! You are told you have to use the LMS. Aren't littles "too little" for this?
That is the focus of today's blog.
Most teachers of littles could make a very strong argument for NOT using an LMS and they would be right.
HOWEVER - in the post-COVID world we are living (yes, it pains me to even type that word), we cannot ignore the value of having a ready-to-go platform that will enable our students to continue learning, regardless of what is thrown our way - or theirs.
While supporting the teachers I work with, I make is crystal clear I do NOT endorse the idea the an LMS is the be all, end all for students of their age. Not. At. All. But, if we do not use it with some regularity, should extended snow days or illnesses or other major life-interrupting event happen, our littles won't have any experience with an LMS and therefor this challenge could be too much to overcome.
Whoa. Let's back up one step. I've written "LMS" 4 times already and I'm making the assumption you know what it is and its purpose. LMS is a "learning management system". Or as I like to say, your digital classroom. The classroom that lives on a computer. There are several out there, but the 3 most common for littles is Seesaw, Google Classroom, and Schoology. Your district will most likely tell you which to use. This isn't meant to endorse one over another; rather, how TO use the one you have in place.
Regardless of the platform you are using, these are tips I STRONGLY recommend:
Tip #1: Keep it S I M P L EJust because you use an LMS doesn't mean you use it for everything all day. At the beginning of the year, having students practice logging in and doing two activities a week is a great starting point! Mid-way through, maybe aim for once a day. These activities don't need to be complicated - could be as simple as a link to a video or a game.
Tip #2: Use emojis to help identify activitiesPictures are worth a thousand words, right? Your littles still might not have the best grasp on reading ... or even which letter is which. But I can almost guarantee they can find a "red apple" ... or "a unicorn" ... or any number of other emojis you choose to add. It helps. It really does.
Tip #3: No to emojis? How about numbers instead? I've found time and time again, the littles recognize numbers quicker than letters. This is a tip I give to ALL teachers using an LMS. Number your assignments. It helps ALL students. (It also helps parents ... it's a clear identifier.) Imagine saying to your students, "Do activity #011" ... I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority can find it quicker than "Do activity Sorting Pumpkins".
Tip #4: Keep current activities on TOP Think of your LMS homepage landing page as real estate. THE MOST important part of your real estate is the part your littles can see without scrolling. Make it as easy as possible for your littles to find what it is you want them to do. Keep it at the top.
Tip #5: Use the LMS for what it does well.You might find it becomes quite easy to plug activities into an LMS, but PLEASE don't use it for everything. Use it for the things it does well. Use it for getting your littles used to it. But DON'T use it for everything. Littles don't need to be on computers all day.
Littles CAN and WILL use technology ... but how well? That's up to you. Talking with your grade level and future year teachers will also pay off if you can all agree to the same rules, procedures, and routines.
We have found there is very few things the "littles" can't do with devices. Give the proper time, patience, and scaffolding, and they CAN accomplish it!

Think of your LMS homepage landing page as real estate. THE MOST important part of your real estate is the part your littles can see without scrolling. Make it as easy as possible for your littles to find what it is you want them to do. Keep it at the top.
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