Build a Turkey!

This activity is from one of my other blogs ... Templates for Teachers.  Colleague Beth Kingsley and I created this blog to share out the many digital activities we both create and share with other teachers. They are all Google based and ready for you to make your own copy.

This Build a Turkey is a HUGE hit with students! Design your own turkey ... all while encouraging the drag and drop skills all of our students need help with. I've taken Beth's original version - which is also linked below - and scaled it down. Beth encourages her students to include writing, and as 3rd graders, that is AWESOME - but when I do this with kindergarteners and first grade, they aren't truly ready to layer the typing on yet. 

The giggles you hear as your students create their turkeys makes this activity well worth it!

Preview & make your own copy here!

Modified version for Kindergarten 👉 click the "Use Template" button in the upper right corner for you own copy

Want to level up? 👉 Check out the Templates for Teachers version - Build a Turkey (with audio instructions)

Did you try it out?

Please let us know how it went with your students -- Did you leave it as is? Did you modify it? Leave a comment below or tag us on social media. 

Together we can integrate technology with purpose for ALL of our students ... even our little ones!
