
This activity was created for a 2nd grade classroom. The teacher asked for a spring activity & her students had enjoyed some of Eric Curts' previous activities like Build a Jack-o-lantern and Snowman.

The first step in this activity asks students to look at the bunnies on the slide and talk about what is the same and what is different. Then the teacher will lead a discussion about the shapes students see that make up much of a bunnies body. Hopefully they see all the circles!

The final activity is to use the pile of circles to create a unique bunny ... and learn to stretch (both height & width) and shrink or expand the circles. They can even learn how to change the fill color on the circles for the bunnies eyes, nose, etc. At the end, each bunny will be as unique as the student!

Sharing in Google Classroom (or your LMS) is always the best option since it allows you to easily make a copy for each student.

Preview & make your own copy here!

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