Teacher Video: Purposefully Integrate Technology to Enhance Learning

Our First Why: 

This is the first in a series of four to share our firm belief that when we purposefully integrate technology in our classrooms ... even with the littles learners ... we can enhance learning. For additional thoughts and insights, please watch our video, then read below from both perspectives. 

The Video:

From the Classroom Teacher: 

As a classroom teacher, I have seen many positive ways in which incorporating technology in the classroom has enhanced learning.

The first way that stands out most for me is the connection that they are able to make to other experiences they are afforded outside of school. Students are already using devices and building their skill base when it comes to using devices and technology. When we, as teachers, can carry that over into the classroom and show students that this can also be used as a learning tool, the engagement level goes up. They are also showing more interest in the lessons that include technology from having positive interaction frequently in the classroom.  

Another great perk of using technology in the classroom is how flexible it is. You can plug in tech time into existing frameworks and many of the programs offered through our districts are self paced. Teachers do have to do a bit of work at plugging in data, in some cases, but after that, your students are receiving work that is fun, engaging and tailored to their ability level. How nice is that?! Technology can aid teachers in creating fun and meaningful experiences for students while enhancing the learning simultaneously. 

I remember starting out in my teaching career and being so intimidated by the thought of technology and showing my students how to use it. I had no idea how to begin! Reaching out for help for my tech coach showed me that I could and it wasn't as hard or scary as it seemed. I started small and built more and more into the schedule. I had the outlook of "one more thing" and believe me, it doesn't have to be that! It can be embedded right into what we are already doing. By investing a little time in learning, technology can be a tool for success in YOUR classroom!

From the Technology Integration Specialist: 

As a technology integration specialist, my entire job focuses on the "why" and the "how" to integrate tech. Our youngest learners require a different - and hyper focused - reasoning when we bring technology in. Chances are, they've been exposed to tech at home ... iPad, tablet, gaming system, or even a phone. It isn't "new" to them, but the application is completely different. Therefor, our approach needs to be different in order to build success.

My mantra with teachers of our littlest is that tech should NEVER be "one more thing", NEVER be used to "fill time", and certainly NEVER be looked at a something that can't be done. Using technology in your classroom can be done in a similar manner as teaching reading and math. Set reasonable expectations, plenty of time to practice, clear boundaries, and above all, remember they are LEARNING. Use tech when appropriate, and use paper when appropriate. If you aren't sure, reach out to others. 

When you integrate technology with purpose, enhancing your students learning will become easy. Programs and activities created specifically for your little ones aren't hard to find. We will be sharing many of them. Your district/school will also provide some. Let the programs provided give you extra tools in your teacher toolbox to further support your students. Share these with home so that time on technology can be put to use in a manner that supports learning. Have great videos you use in class? Share them with home. Have logins for programs to practice curriculum? Share them with home and encourage their use. Remember, your students use tech at home, but the application of technology is completely different at school. When we can apply technology to enhance our students learning, we ALL win.

What's Next? Connect! 

Over the next several days, we will share our other 3 "why's". Be sure to come back! Please also help us share our knowledge and passion with others ... do you have colleagues that we can help? 

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